When purchasing an enclosed industrial control panel in the Denver, CO, area, it is important to look out for a number of UL 508A markings. These UL 508A markings are able to inform the owner about important information about the product. If these UL 508A markings are not seen, it may be best to not purchase the product.


Firstly, all UL 508A products should be marked with identification information. This information includes the manufacturer’s name and trademark. If these are not available, all UL 508a products require some sort of information in which a user can use to identify the manufacturer.

Voltage Information

UL 508A certified products should also have information regarding the voltage, the number of phases, and frequency. The product should also have information regarding the full-load current for each incoming supply circuit. This information is extremely important for someone using one of these products.

Disconnecting Information

If a UL 508A product is supplied by numerous power sources, then it is required to have a marking that can inform the user of this. This lets the user know that more than one disconnecting means is needed do de-energize the product.

Short Circuit Information

UL 508A certified products are required to have a short circuit current rating marking. This should inform the user of the short-circuit current rating during the assembly process and once it has been established.

Service Equipment Information

If a UL 508A certified product is meant to be used as service equipment, it is required to have a marking that states that it can do so. This will prevent the user from using the wrong product.

Electrical Wiring Information

All UL 508A certified products need to have an electrical wiring diagram. If the product doesn’t have a diagram, it is required to have an identification number of a separate wiring diagram. This is different than the identification information mentioned above.

Enclosure Type Information

The enclosure of all UL 508A certified products needs to have an enclosure type number. This is important information for identifying the product.

When a company purchases an enclosed industrial control panel in the Denver, CO, area it is important to make sure that all of the necessary markings are there. A UL 508A certified product should have marking reading identification, voltage, disconnecting short-circuiting, being used as service equipment, electrical wiring, and enclosure type. This allows the users to be confident in the UL 508A certified product. It allows them to understand if it can meet the standards of the business.